Wednesday, February 10, 2021

History our Family 1972-1988

 Family History of Garrett and Cheryl Merrick1972 - 1988

by Cheryl Merrick


Garrett bought a two acre building lot for our future home in West Jordan, Utah near Salt Lake.

Garrett continues working for the Post office in Salt Lake.

Garrett and Cheryl are married and sealed for all eternity on August 23, 1972 at the Oakland Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Oakland, California. An Open House was held at the home of the bride’s family, Lew & Arlene Pearson, in nearby Lafayette, California.

Honeymoon in San Francisco and up California coast

Open House at the home Bishop and Sister White in Provo, Utah

We lived in south Provo, Utah at the Laurelwood trailer court in a 10 foot wide by 55 foot long old trailer while Garrett attended Brigham Young University in Provo.

Ken lives with us our first three months, then gets an apartment in Provo


Julene Anne Merrick is born on July 15, 1973.

Visit of Cheryl's father, John Groom, and his wife, Joan. Grandparents, Arlene and Lew, and great-grandparents, Lloyd and Ethel Crane, came to Julene's blessing.


Garrett, Cheryl, and Julene drive small Pinto car to Akron, Ohio to visit Garrett’s parents, John and Edith Merrick, and his extended family.

In July Garrett begins working at the Provo Post office on graveyard shift.

David John Merrick is born on September 6, 1974.

Mom and Lew move to Pocatello, Idaho. We visit them and grandparents, Lloyd and Ethel Crane, at their farm just outside Pocatello, Idaho.

In May we drive to Mapleton, Utah and decide we want to live there. We sold our West Jordan lot to buy 2 1/2 acres on the bench in south Mapleton.


Cheryl’s grandfather, Lloyd S. Crane, dies on May 17, 1975

and grandmother, Ethel Irene Crane, dies on September 6, 1975


Visit of Grandma Merrick, Edith Conley Merrick, in April.

Garrett’s grandmother, Eunice Conley, dies on June 16, 1976.

On July 15th (on Julene’s birthday) we visit an older home that is for sale in Mapleton by Howard and Stella Stevens and feel impressed that this is the right home for us. Six weeks later we move into the home at 1214 North 300 West, Mapleton on August 23, 1976 (our 4th wedding anniversary).

Newly married Ken and Bev live in our old trailer for a year (trailer sold after that time).


Cheryl’s father, John D. Groom, visits on Julene’s 4th birthday.

Julene takes dance classes.


Garrett graduates from BYU in April with a degree in Building Construction.

Garrett becomes Training Technician at PEDC (Postal Employment Development Center) at Provo, Utah.


Julene begins kindergarten at Mapleton Elementary School.

Cheryl teaches pre-school for David and neighbor boys.

We added stairs down by our bedroom which divided the downstairs large north room into two bedrooms; one for David and one for Julene. We also made stairs up to attic.

We bought the Chevy Monte Carlo.

We made a sandbox in our backyard.


Laura Jean Merrick is born on March 8, 1980.

David begins kindergarten.

Cheryl gets splint for damaged jaw.


Julene takes dance from Vickie Jones and has dance programs.

Garrett becomes the Training Manager at Provo Post Office.

Our family accompanies Garrett on his Postal training business trip to St. George, Utah.

Julene is baptized.


Our family sponsors a Cambodian family of seven who live with us from Dec 1981 to February 1982.

David plays T ball.

David is baptized.

We repaired the cement front porch.


Grandma and Grandpa Merrick (Edith and Arthur John Merrick) visit in March.

David plays on baseball & soccer teams.

We buy old Mountain Bell (phone company) van at auction and paint it yellow.

We helped with Pioneer day, making the Primary float which Julene designed.

We put in washer drain line.


We had heavy snow that winter.

Laura chicken pox.

David played baseball, and was in cub scouts.

Daniel is born caesarian on October 9, 1984.

Grandma and Grandpa Pearson visit us.


Aunt Cathy Merrick and Garrett’s mother stayed with us for four days.

David is ordained a Deacon.


We made a trip to Bryce Canyon National Park.

Laura first day of school.


We refinished our living room floor and camp-out at Timpanogos Cave park while it dried.

Garrett became incharge of training at new East Bay, Provo, Post Office.

Garrett is our Ward Membership clerk. Cheryl does the Ward Newspaper.

Cheryl begins tutoring at the elementary school, organizes a parent group on Learning Disabilities; writes our Ward History, does the Ward Bulletin boards, and is the Primary Inservice Leader.

Julene-(15 years old) is the manager of the High School Freshman volleyball team.

David- (14 years old) is in advanced science class and goes on a two week science trip. He begins playing the Bass.

Laura- (eight years old) is baptized, takes dance, and enjoys reading.

Daniel- (four years old) goes to Preschool.

Our big excitement this year has been to get an IBM clone computer. We are all learning how to use it and the Word Perfect word processing program. It is amazing how easy it is to work with and the things that you can do with it!


Julene, 16, is taking a modern dance class; does art, plays the viola, and has added a new love - driving.

David's, 15, He now towers above his father at a lofty height of 6 feet. He lifts weights, and is expert on the "Mario" nintendo game.

Laura, 9, is an avid reader and takes gymnastics.

Daniel can "do lots of things now that I'm five!" He goes to preschool three mornings a week. He is our play director and is struggling to make an acting group out of us.

Sherry, graying; is using our computer to do volunteer work and keep up journals.

Garrett Postal has had postal training and is the second counselor to the Elders Quorum Presidency.

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