Thursday, February 11, 2021

Our Family - 1984 Birth of Daniel

 By Garrett

Laura was born on 8 March 1980, and Daniel on 9 October 1984. Sherry’s health was weak during these years, and she struggled greatly for these two. We decided that Daniel had to be the last child, and, so, went out of business.

by Cheryl

Knowing that there was a little boy yet to come to our family,  we began another pregnancy. Expecting Daniel was a very challenging time for me. My immune system became even more sensitive. I could only keep down chicken and rice soup which I ate three meals a day. I had to keep away from all chemicals and couldn't be near anyone who wore perfumes. I couldn’t go into any buildings or even stay in our home for weeks after the neighbors sprayed their yard. Garrett and I camped at night in our van a few blocks away from our home at the house a friend was building.  

We still made Christmas treats to secretly take to neighbors and even went on a campout before the baby was born. I had a strong feeling that our baby was the boy who wanted to come to our family. 

Dan wasn’t due until near the end of October, but during the first week of the month, I began to have serious contractions. We went to the hospital twice, but were sent home. A couple of days later on October 9, I knew I was to go to the hospital right away and should not come back home. I called Garrett and he came from work and took me to the hospital. I was checked again and they wanted me to return home, but I insisted that something was wrong. They did a sonogram, and afterward discovered that the baby had done the impossible and rotated so that he was standing up with the cord twisted around his neck.

When Garrett returned from signing me in, he was surprised to find that they were preparing me for an immediate cesarean delivery.  We were told that our baby was ready to deliver, and if the baby did, the cord which was wrapped around his neck would be pulled so tight that the baby would be strangled and die before they could get our child out. 

I could tell that the nurses and doctor were very concerned, and I remember wanting to assure them that it was all going to be fine, but I was under the aesthetic and couldn’t talk. Garrett came with me into the operating room, and a short time later, our Daniel was staring up at us as the nurse held him tightly wrapped in a blanket where we could see him. Miraculously, Daniel had held still all the time until he could be safely born.

I was in the hospital for a week having blood transfusions before they finally let us go home. Garrett told me that David jumped up and down on his bed for joy when he learned that he had a baby brother. Laura who was four and a half years old, David who was ten, and Julene who was 11, all came to the hospital to visit, but they were not allowed in my room, so though they got to see him, they didn’t get to hold their little brother until we came home. 

For the next few months, we struggled with getting enough food into Daniel. The cesarean delivery made Daniel terribly sleepy. He would take a suck or two of milk, then fall soundly asleep. We took off his clothes, tickled him, shook him, talked to him, but all he did was sleep. Finally, the doctor said that we had to get some nourishment into him or his brain would be damaged. Garrett took a bottle, cut a large hole in the top and we poured milk down Daniel’s throat. 

We soon learned that Daniel could only tolerate soy formula. Between pouring milk into him and his finally being awake enough to nurse some, Daniel was soon out of danger. 

David was so happy to have a brother at last! He was afraid that he would have three sisters and be the only boy. We enjoyed having another son and doing all the boy things again like scouts and baseball. 

We felt like we almost had a second family. Julene and David, only 13 months apart, were over ten years older than Daniel. They were doing older kid activities which left Laura as a lone toddler. Now, she had Daniel who was closer to her age. They became close friends. We all thoroughly fussed over Daniel. Christmas, holidays, and going places were more special because we could share them with Daniel.  

It was wonderful the peace and happiness Daniel brought to our family, but it was more than just having a baby in our home. Daniel has always had a special sensitivity about him. He was incredibly gentle with animals and always knew what was right and good. He learned easily and had amazing maturity. We were privileged to have him become a member of our family. 

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